Tuesday, July 29, 2008


This is what happens when you dont blink.
a ten minute exposure with thousands of stas in view.
had to go b&w because it was noisy.


Anonymous said...

Big fan of this!

Unknown said...

where did you have to go because it was noisy?

im glad you know the lovely perks of a camera cuz the pics u take r way more amazing than the word amazing = )

emily cunningham said...


Anonymous said...

i seen stars like dat once....it was either a baseball bat or d baseball bat or d ......did i say dat twice nice stuff mofo nice pics nice views nice legs ...wutcha doon 2moro bro.....luvu like an uncle...yer parents r proud.b have baby l8r

~lil Bri' said...

thanks unc pete, yea, been workin on my legs!

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