Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chillin at Palisades, South Dakota

Wish my buddy fish was here
woulda climbed higher.
Couldn't throw my camera up....
well I could. ya know

dig any pics? comment please.


occhialista said...

that train track pic is rad.how did you get that silloughette glow?

inafterdust said...

That's a sweet Tilly!

~lil Bri' said...

that is a sweet tilley. thanks jmann

~lil Bri' said...

Most the pics are taken as HDR-High Dynamic Range images. google it. basically few images taken from dark to light and combined to get the best color combination

Unknown said...

whoooaaaaa, those colors are gorgeous! my eyes jus like to wrap themselves around all of them...
im diggin the safari/hiker/biker look, safaricyclist? lol you try combinin those three into one...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bri, this is like a second vacation to us.
Aunt Mary likes the track pic too!

don't be dissin coffee! When you get up to two pots a day then you can talk about a caffiene rush.

Be safe and keep the pics coming

Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary

~lil Bri' said...

thanx, uncle joe and aunt mary, yea, not dissin, just cant handle it... and as far as two pots would probably send me in a comatose... hehe.. will keep the pics coming!

NVME4 said...

Bri, GREAT blog and truly amazing pictures - keep them coming. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Auntie Vik

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