Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just thought it looked sweet

Seen this tree while walking in the Rapid City Libraray in SD.
I thought to myself while walking in that I should take a picture
of it. But got lazy, then a half hour later I realized I forgot to put a
quarter in the parking meter, and it looked even nicer on the way out.

Then i found some Dudes cell phone,
called "home" on it, and I imagine it was his wife
and she said "Hello"
and I said "Hey Baby" in a deep elvis presley like voice.
She said, who is this, I figured she had caller id,
but nah, i was like uh...
anyways, she was happy that her husband's phone was
and got a free laugh.


Anonymous said...

Wicked tree, I love it. Looks like your having a blast, I'm jealous.


Anonymous said...

Always a nice guy. Really enjoying the pics.. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us

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