Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The JC water walks saved my life..

Last night I pulled into the south Dakota palisades. It was getting
dark. And I set up camp in a record time. I ran to the store to get
milk and eggs for the morning. Without checking I later noticed that
there was two small white eggs in the mix with brown eggs. Can you say
jungle fever?? Anyways I got back after driving past an amazing
sunset. Set up a fire. And heard the magnificient roar of the almighty
clouds. I knew I had to cook dinner soon. It was going to pour. So
that's what I did. Ramen. Mmm good. Quick east and fast enough before
the clouds opened and let loose. Everyone scurryied in there tents. I
was determined to enjoy my fire. So I took out my umbrella and. Drank
a beer by the fire and listened to some tunes. It was simply amazing.


Anonymous said...

You had me at YO! Hey, I tried those shoes on, but I couldn't fill them. Your pics are asombroso. Love Aunt Jan

~lil Bri' said...

thanks aunt jan!

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