Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just thought it looked sweet

Seen this tree while walking in the Rapid City Libraray in SD.
I thought to myself while walking in that I should take a picture
of it. But got lazy, then a half hour later I realized I forgot to put a
quarter in the parking meter, and it looked even nicer on the way out.

Then i found some Dudes cell phone,
called "home" on it, and I imagine it was his wife
and she said "Hello"
and I said "Hey Baby" in a deep elvis presley like voice.
She said, who is this, I figured she had caller id,
but nah, i was like uh...
anyways, she was happy that her husband's phone was
and got a free laugh.

Had some time to say Hi!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Slipped on a hill of cacti, cacti should be spelled cactii, just say

so yesterday, i chilled in sioux falls, SD drinkin coffee at a lil' shop.
went there to post stuff. i don't usually drink coffee unless i need to.
but i didn't need to, i needed to pay for a place to get wifi,
and somewhere to get away from the sun that happens to follow me everywhere...

anyways, i drank some vanilla iced mocha bs..
and by the time i left that place, an hour or so later,
the caffeine rushed through my veins
like an eight year old at chucky cheese's
ON CRACK!I couldn't stop...
i just kept drivin.
and drivin.
and driving...
and that is when i hit the sunset
realizing i needed to stop
before i came down from my "buzz"
and crashed in the dark...
seemed like a good spot
so to all you coffee drinkers out there.
i dont know how you do it.
im hyper enough.
its one thing to do with friends.
but when your chillin by yourself on a roadtrip to the unknown...
shit. i almost annoyed myself. hehe.
later, off to see four 450ft heads, stuck in a mountain.

oh yea, and thanks for the comments.
they inspire me to write more.

Woo Hoo. A little mileage never hurts...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Another days end.

Don't know where I'm goin but damn it's beautiful!!

Chillin at Palisades, South Dakota

Wish my buddy fish was here
woulda climbed higher.
Couldn't throw my camera up....
well I could. ya know

dig any pics? comment please.

How to Take pictures while driving

I guess you gotta fill the boredom that comes from hours
of singing to yourself, listening to flight of the conchords.
then every now an then you catch something sweet while
driving. Check it.

The JC water walks saved my life..

Last night I pulled into the south Dakota palisades. It was getting
dark. And I set up camp in a record time. I ran to the store to get
milk and eggs for the morning. Without checking I later noticed that
there was two small white eggs in the mix with brown eggs. Can you say
jungle fever?? Anyways I got back after driving past an amazing
sunset. Set up a fire. And heard the magnificient roar of the almighty
clouds. I knew I had to cook dinner soon. It was going to pour. So
that's what I did. Ramen. Mmm good. Quick east and fast enough before
the clouds opened and let loose. Everyone scurryied in there tents. I
was determined to enjoy my fire. So I took out my umbrella and. Drank
a beer by the fire and listened to some tunes. It was simply amazing.


This is what happens when you dont blink.
a ten minute exposure with thousands of stas in view.
had to go b&w because it was noisy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hi jen & d

Another hard day of work...

This picture was taken after a long haul on my bike
through the woods... i think it was only a hiking trail
but no one was a around... kinda like "if a bear shits
in the woods... or is it if a tree falls in the woods"

i dunno, either way.. this was Myre state park

it was alright, kinda bland comparatively, and damn humid.
but may have some nice shots...

Doesn't the sun ever sleep in??

Its hot in this tent. First time I have been hot so far. The sun is
like a puppy drooling on my face. When will you go away? Shoe god damn
it! Nope guess it is time to get up.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

is it illegal to take pictures while driving?

the power of digital i guess..
i am tired now.
1st day. simple but nice.
tomorrow. prob statepark in minnesota.
or bike trails.
i dunno yet.

This is the sunset from my iPhone

compared to nikon

more than anything

its hard to shoot into the sun

First fill

So it is officially $70 to fill my 17 gallon tank.
it used to cost about $40 a year ago.

And i think i realize why people say im crazy for
going on this road trip. Well. Maybe so.

Anyways, Im gonna try to post whenever i get a
connected. or send pics from the iphone.

Anyways, im at about 208 miles now,
Taking it easy, going to go watch the sun set
in Portage Wisconsin. They stop selling liqour at 7.

And I am at a Super 8 motel, with free wifi.



Friday, July 25, 2008

Notha test

Can this work??


So it's all happening. I am finally leaving tomorrow,
still scurrying around for last minute ideas,
and my bro fish is gonna be flyin out to meet me.
hell yea,
just testing shit out.
hookin up my iphone to send pics to my blog.
see if it works.

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