Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just tryin to post as much as possible

I realize alot of things will be out of whack in terms of time
they were made and posted and stuff
but i have very little time to get on the net right now,
so i rush it... i guess its my fault that we
went out for some delicious shrimp last night and
had a few local brews and played slots...
yea, maybe i coulda got online last night,
but instead i woke up early to get little done,
and now have to leave... so i am going
to glacier today with fish for 2 days,
will be posting more on thursday night.

oh yea, and fish is located in the top image,
to show the massiveness of the waterfalls.

enjoy .
B & Fish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your Fish out of water pic

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