Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It was like entering a dream

There is no way to capture the sensation of what we felt
entering Yellowstone from the Northeast corner,
They call it the bear crawl or something like that...
you go from maybe 2000ft elevation to over 11,000ft
in a matter of minutes of winding roads!

As it is warm on the bottom, you will be freshly cooled off
by time you make it to the top,
to the point where you are scuffling through your car for
sweatshirts, pants, hats whatever you can, because now you
are standing next to snow in the begginning of august,
with winds hittin like Urlacker.

It was getting late, we needed to find a spot to camp,
yet we couldn't help but stop at almost every place we could
to watch something amazing. The world from above...
Standing a top a mountain....

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