Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Atop anotha mountain

It was endless the beauty.. every mile was a different scene,
up and down the neverending curving roads
stopping for animals, bison and deer mainly
no sigh of bears so far.
alot of water sounds from far and near,
some drizzling, some splashing with fiery.
all else is quiet. nothing more to say.


Unknown said...

Hey Bri - thanks for inviting us to your blog. These pics are AMAZING!! Sounds like you're having a great time. I'm crazy jealous. Call us when you get back - hey, trade a pic for a pizza? Come visit me at the new restaurant - Affresco in Park Ridge. Take care and be safe, Monica and John

~lil Bri' said...

for sure john! im down with the trade action

hey did you ever get the dvds?
hit me up.

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