Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jeremy Kicks ASS... Or a SoccerBall from Brian Barnhart Jr on Vimeo.

So, we went out to dinner last night and had some amazing food called Dak Galbi but one of the highlights was the craziness that when on afterwords. Jeremy had been telling us about this soccer game that he kick ass in so we took a walk to the arcade to see if he could live up to his word. It was a pretty amazing sight, there were dozens of people around watching this big American guys kick the shit out of this soccer ball, neon lights were flashing all around us, the cold didn't faze us...

Jeremy didn't quite live up to the expectations, though. He got beat by a skinny Korean teenager but put up a good fight. The kid had good form and Jeremy was relying on his brute strength. Good times had by all and it definitely was a sight to see!


Anonymous said...

all im gonna say dooder is thanks!!!

ilo said...

go jeremy go jeremy go!

like how the first pic of that guy by the soccer games came out.

aunt mary said...

I think I can beat both of you in the soccer game

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