Thursday, December 31, 2009

What up Chicago! Thought I would throw a shout out on this lil B'Thang. Miss all of you guys a whole lot, but having my two brothers from other mothers here with me eases that pain a little bit. It has only been about 24 hours so far but things are off to their usual ridiculousness when the three of us go anywhere. This morning after coffee the boys wanted to hit up the Jinju-Bong (Korean Spa). What we didn't know was that it was a mandatory nude spa! So imagine if you want three 20 something white boys and a bunch of old asian men walking around naked in a spa. . . .

After that we went and walked around the area here and did a little sight seeing and street food eating. It's a lot of fun being a pseudo tour guide because I get to experience all these things over again from when I first got here. Plus it is pretty hilarious watching Carey and Brian butcher the Korean language. I am pretty sure Carey keeps speaking Spanish instead.

And in a few short hours we are off to experience the New Years eve shenanigans that I am more than sure will be epic. All I know is the booze will be flowing and 9 out of 10 people will have their own fireworks on them. According to a friend of mine last year they had to cancel half of the festivities because of protests and riots. So here's to a happy, healthy, and safe New Years to all of you! Much love!



ilo said...

is carey goin for his nippy?! learned something new about koreans...

sweet cant wait to hear & see pix!

Anonymous said...

I'm dying laughing reading this right now!! ahahahahah!!! Have a killer New Year bash B!!!!


aunt mary said...

Happy new year, post more photos
(not the spa)

how is the Starbucks? is it the same?

have fun and don't talk to strangers

be careful we just watched Brokedown Palace and Midnight Express

uncle joe said...

Dude, thats a dude, dude!

~lil Bri' said...

yea we were naked as hell. and so were all those angry korean men... they havent seen such ape like hairy bodies before... but i paid my 10,000 wan and i wanted my jacuzzi... so we did what we had to do....

~lil Bri' said...

and aunt mary and uncle joe, you crack me up..
thanks for watchin... im hung over now.. more pix coming soon

sharkfuss said...

yo what up brosephs miss u guys hope u r havin a great time. our new years was fuckin awesome. i just watch about two hours of the video i shot yesterday and most of it was good laughs and one major part put some tears in me eyes. the sound is great the video is better. i dont know how to send u any of it so hit me up if u want to meet your new brother

sharkfuss said...

why didnt u email me yet

ilo said...

i want the video too!

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