Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Livin it up!

Jermo's alive! My man is chillin like a villian in SK.... Ja know. Haven't Seen him for
6 months, lookin good ladies!!!

The town seems to just vibrate at night, the lights pumping with
enthusiastic response... Everyone seems to be in there own world
walking around in an endless circle of entertainment.
How could you not be enthralled.
That's me. bein me.
So we decided to get some "real" korean bbq, soju (rice Booze)
and some korean beer.... yup a lil tipsy right now to tell you the truth.
but man was it delisch.... so we are a day ahead of you, and it is gonna be new years eve
over here, we are gonna go watch thousands of roman candles go off at one time.
i will try to take pictures while lighting my own off... yea what a rebel right?
well time for some sleep, then a quick jog through north korea for kicks..


ilo said...

u guys are so cool, cuz ur in Korea!

get it?!

love it when ur bein u bee, ur just so hot. prob warmin the whole south!

Ili said...

alright! take us on a trip too, lol, ur style! hugs for jeremo

uncle joe said...

glad you made it-enjoy security coming back

take some normal pics the fish-eye makes me dizzy

be safe happy new year

Anonymous said...

Rock N Roll!!!!! Some Cool shots going on there!!!! What's the starbuck's like out there? Any different?

~lil Bri' said...

actually they seem to take your order wrong and give you the most expensive item... it was pretty funny actually andy

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Just to drive them up the wall....have them make the one drink all starbuck's employees hate!!! Iced green tea latte!!!


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