Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mardi GRAS 2010

Like the words of Kool Aid man. Oh Yea!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Rain water on a dirty floor. Mmm my fav!

The leak

On the wet road again!

We are now on our way to new Orleans and fortunately to Fish's magical
duct tape work we seemed to have fixed the leak that has been a burden
on our trip leading to over a gallon of rain water pumped from the
back seat of the car. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tabletop shuffleboard

Mom you need one if these in your basement!

Austin motel

Repeat customer. Love this place!

Austin tx

Thank you all for checking out the blog. We have been extremly busy
and hope to get more up soon. Probably tomorrow. We have shot tons of
footage including some for a music video we are creatin. Try to post
asap. Peace, B

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

The King... And Almost the King. Video coming soon.

So it was pretty obvious that while visiting Memphis we would be surrounded by memories, and paraphernalia of "The King". And he was present anywhere and everywhere.
Including this restaurant, which did have very good food, yet he was not the most admirable Elvis. He seemed bored, and bothered by his job a little. But nether the less, passerbys continued to stop point and take pictures of the man.

Then there was a new contestant to be the king. Yup Mark The Shark. It was not the first time he stepped to the plate to out show ones strength. He was on fire, looking good folks, ready to out beat the last. 925 was the high, and he was making quick progress. Soon we knew he had a chance for the Title.

And the prize if he could pull off this victory was the woman of his choice. So he chose the whole Memphis Grizzlies Dance team. With this kind of backup support he knew he couldnt lose. A few swift swings later, and BAM 936 a high for the night. He could hear the crowd cheer, his arms were up in the air in excitement. And danced with every female he passed, jukin his way through the crowd. As long as his number would last another hour, the ladies would be all his. All he could do is sit and wait for the next contestent to be shone away by such a tough score to beat.

Without warning stepped up one of the BMF's.... You know. Big Motha.. you could figure out the rest. He wasn't expecting this move. Taking a step back, his fingers was anxiously tapping the table. Biting his lip the BMF took his stance, and practiced his swing. BAM. The numbers went flying up.... and landed just a few under Marks score. Mark was still the king. Until he came back about 2 minutes later, and conquered his score with a high of 945.
The Shark was determinded to get his ladies back with his incredible strength. Yet he could do nothing to muster up enough of it to take out such a BMF. And decided to call it quits before his arm fell off.
As his manager and promoter, not only was I dissappointed, I was pissed and had to show him what was up. And this is wassup up. Now what.

The life of a boxing machine heavy weight ex-champ...
If only he could have been THE KING.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A bunch O Dudes!

The start of it all, We were a few hours on the road, when we needed some grubb. Left chicago at 5 am to beat traffic, and a few early wrong left turns and we were right where we were supposed to be, movin and groovin on the road again. Stopped at the infamous road trip stop. Cracker Barrel. Happened to run across this sign, in which we knew we needed to stop and take a pic. So here it is folks, the start of it all. We are shooting HD video, and I have problems converting the footage with the laptop, so all the video footage will be added later after the trip. Thanks for looking out. Peace, Brian

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