Thursday, December 31, 2009

What up Chicago! Thought I would throw a shout out on this lil B'Thang. Miss all of you guys a whole lot, but having my two brothers from other mothers here with me eases that pain a little bit. It has only been about 24 hours so far but things are off to their usual ridiculousness when the three of us go anywhere. This morning after coffee the boys wanted to hit up the Jinju-Bong (Korean Spa). What we didn't know was that it was a mandatory nude spa! So imagine if you want three 20 something white boys and a bunch of old asian men walking around naked in a spa. . . .

After that we went and walked around the area here and did a little sight seeing and street food eating. It's a lot of fun being a pseudo tour guide because I get to experience all these things over again from when I first got here. Plus it is pretty hilarious watching Carey and Brian butcher the Korean language. I am pretty sure Carey keeps speaking Spanish instead.

And in a few short hours we are off to experience the New Years eve shenanigans that I am more than sure will be epic. All I know is the booze will be flowing and 9 out of 10 people will have their own fireworks on them. According to a friend of mine last year they had to cancel half of the festivities because of protests and riots. So here's to a happy, healthy, and safe New Years to all of you! Much love!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Livin it up!

Jermo's alive! My man is chillin like a villian in SK.... Ja know. Haven't Seen him for
6 months, lookin good ladies!!!

The town seems to just vibrate at night, the lights pumping with
enthusiastic response... Everyone seems to be in there own world
walking around in an endless circle of entertainment.
How could you not be enthralled.
That's me. bein me.
So we decided to get some "real" korean bbq, soju (rice Booze)
and some korean beer.... yup a lil tipsy right now to tell you the truth.
but man was it delisch.... so we are a day ahead of you, and it is gonna be new years eve
over here, we are gonna go watch thousands of roman candles go off at one time.
i will try to take pictures while lighting my own off... yea what a rebel right?
well time for some sleep, then a quick jog through north korea for kicks..

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We Made it!

14 Hour flight,
14 hr time zone difference.
and one spinach omelete (plane food)
and we made it.

Well we made it here about 6am.
Wednesday Decemeber 30th,
and we can't check in to our hotel until 2pm.
so now we are like walking zombies,
and considering the fact that it is pretty cold over here,
and all my warm stuff is in the bags,
we have some time to relax to a 5,000 wan Starbucks coffee.

But before that we decided to go for a stroll
and found some wonderful warm food without the
use of any korean words.
well. maybe one. gamsa hamneida. (thank you)

It really hasnt hit me yet, but it should
be an interesting trip.
keep ya posted.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gotta Get Back to the Mountains.

Hope you are enjoying the ride.
I am.
Tryin to post as much as possible without
wastin much time on this wonderful trip.
So if you get a chance leave me some words
of wisdom, or just some funny ass shit.
if you got the time.
Otherwise see ya on the flipside.


Bear Lake

It was 7:30 in the morning.
Cold and desolate, we took a ride
to this beautiful lake,
what a great start to the day!

A Lone Tree

One day i will make a book of Lone Trees.
They have a special quality to them.
Maybe it has to do with that fact
that there is nothing else around
to share the beauty with them....

i dunno either way.

ilonza the photographer

she really didn't want me to use that title
but its all i could think of.
anyways. anytime someone shows interest
in photography, i get all psyched and
throw soo much information in their face
that they look like they are about to crap their pants,
or that their mind has been abandoned and left to dry.

anyways, this trip has proved to be a successful
starting point for a new mind in the photo world.

World meet ilona.
she makes me smile,
she is super excited about her new photo skills
she nearly fell in the waterfall for that pic,
almost got bit by that elk,
and um. that flower.... it almost gave her allergies...
the hard life of a photographer i tell her...
anyways i am proud to be travelin with someone
who is showing much interest in my passion.
and maybe you might be viewing a photo blog
by her one day..
These are a few of her flicks, enjoy!

Alberta Falls

Press Play with your Pinky!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Pic in Rocky Mountain State Park

So we entered the park later then we wanted,
i was gettin antsy,
i didnt want to stop no matter how beautiful
it was.
i wanted to set up shop.
and then we passed this.
i couldn't resist the temptation,
and hence, it was def worth it.... dont ya think!!


Press Play Mofo!


people often wonder how i get my pictures
to look the way they do.

guess it all comes from this.
it may have taken a few good jabs to the eye,
and some extra strong sunlight.
but here it is, thanks ilona.

On the Road Again

Finally get to sleep while on the road,
thanks to my very special lady Ilona.
left chicago at 4am after a long wedding,
and lack of sleep from the past few days
i was sure it was going to be a wreck of a drive.
But I was wrong. it was sweet.
thanks to ilona. she drove like 12hrs.
i drove like 3. and slept like the rest.
anyways. there really isnt much picturesque
on the long drive out, but man
once you get in the mountains...
whew, sweet shit! keep ya posted.

Monday, April 6, 2009

on a side note...

Check this shit out!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's called the bird of paradice!

Somehow these magnificent flowers bloom
all over the damn place.  I think the picture
explains itself.

Oh yea, This is THOR

Reminded me of daisy!

Chillin in San Diego

Wassup Yall, 

Don't have much time right now, 
it's sunny and beautiful outside, 
so I can't justify wasting the sunlight...

It's amazing out here,
beautiful weather all day and all night.
chill people, exotic flowers, and the ocean..

Jumped outta a plane yesterday, 
it was breathtaking!... Literally.


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